I think it's safe to say that chicken tenders are everyone's favorite! 

Before I came back to school, I raided my pantry and one of the random things I grabbed was coconut flakes. I suck at coming up with dinner ideas on my own, so Pinterest is my best friend for that. As I was browsing, I found this coconut chicken tenders recipe and lemme just say, thank god I did. I love this recipe because its fun, easy to make, and SO delicious. 

Here is the link if you want to try it out or follow the recipe! 

You will soon come to find out that I usually just use the recipes as a general guide rather than using the exact measurements and ingredients. I think this is what makes cooking so creative and exciting because there are so many variations to every recipe and you can customize it to your own liking. 


- chicken tenders

- coconut flakes 

- eggs

- spray coconut oil

- panko bread crumbs 

- almond flour

- garlic power

- onion powder

- ground paprika

- salt

- pepper

To start off, I put two eggs in a bowl and mixed it together. In another bowl, I mixed together almond flour and all of the spices. I didn't measure the flour or spices, just kinda eye bawled it. I used almond flour because it was the only flour I had, but you can use any type of flour that you prefer. You can also use any variety of spices that you like, I just used those five because they are my go to spices. Then in the last bowl, I lightly mixed together equal parts of the coconut flakes and almond flour. 

As you can see in the picture down at the end, I placed the bowls in the order that I dip the chicken tenders. After I took the chicken tenders out of the package, I took a paper towel to dry them out. Honestly not sure if it has any purpose but my mom does this a lot when she cooks so I usually do it too. I first dipped the chicken tenders in the egg bowl and made sure it was well coated. I then rolled it in the almond flour mixture. I noticed after a few chicken tenders that the coconut flakes/panko mixture wasn't sticking to the chicken tenders, so then I dipped them in the eggs after the almond flour and right before the coconut flakes/panko. I still kinda had a hard time getting the coconut flakes to stick, so I literally pressed them down on the chicken tenders. One thing to note, I did start to run out of the almond flour and coconut flakes/panko mixture, so I just added more as needed. 

The recipe calls for frying the chicken tenders on a pan then finishing them off in the oven, but I threw them in my air fryer instead. If you don't own an air fryer, I HIGHLY recommend buying one! However, if you don't own an air fryer or prefer to bake them, then follow the recipe. Before putting food in the air fryer, I always spray the basket with a little coconut or olive oil (depending on what I have) and let it preheat for 5 mins. After the air fryer was preheated to 400 degrees, I cooked the chicken tenders for 6 minutes on each side. I made a bunch of them (to eat the other half of them for lunch the next day) so I had to do 2 batches. I won't lie, the coconut flakes were kinda falling off when flipping them in the air fryer but the majority of it stayed on. 

I was so happy about how they turned out! It was crispy, brown, and cooked perfectly in the middle. I just used ketchup as my sauce, but you can use any sauce you prefer. As I was cutting the chicken tenders, the breading was falling off of the actual chicken tenders... not sure if its because I used almond flour or what but if anyone knows how to make them stick together better let me know! Overall, I loved making this recipe and will definitely be making it in the future. 

